
Evan’s mom and I have been friends since we were two years old, so I was thrilled when she and her husband had my family over to tell us the news that Evan was on the way!

Here is their adorable little bundle rocking the bunny ears hat.

Evan in bunny ears

Awake in the basket. Apparently, he had not slept for many hours and he did not sleep again until several hours after I left.

Evan in bucket

On the new zebra patterned fabric.

Evan on zebra pattern

It LOOKS like he’s sleeping here, but he actually only stayed asleep for about 5 minutes!

Evan finally asleep

Don’t you love babes in arms?

Babe in arms

I like how Moses (the dog) is admiring Evan, but Evan is ignoring the dog.

Moses admires Evan

Mommy and Evan looking into each other’s eyes.

Mommy and baby admire each other

Mom, dad and doggie all admiring Evan…who once again looks asleep, but would only remain that way for about 5 minutes.  Amazingly, however, I am told he started sleeping through the night shortly after that!

The happy family

Congrats again on your adorable little bundle!