Dave and I met in grade 9, so I am thrilled that he is now engaged to Claire!
We will be photographing their wedding on July 17, 2010! I can’t wait.
In the meantime, here are some images from their engagement session in Oakville at Gairloch Gardens and the Erchless Estate.
Dave has always been into working out, so he was pretty happy to lift Claire up.
They climbed the tree for these photos.
We were really impressed with how well maintained Gairloch Gardens was.
Happy to be kissed.
Happy to be kissed and happy to be lifted #2.
Playing with wolves outside the Oakville Museum.
It was REALLY windy when we took these photos and we tried to avoid the wind for the most part so we could keep Claire’s hair in check, but the windy hair looks cool in this photo. I love the boat in the background too.
Congrats again, Claire and Dave!