I won’t use their full names to protect them, but R and O were sponsored by Royal York United Church to come over as refugees, because in Jamaica, it is still unfortunately very dangerous to love someone who is the same gender as you are. Just a couple of months after they came over, they were ready to get married and their wedding came together very quickly. This never could have happened in Jamaica, but in Canada, everyone was happy to help their wedding dream come true.
Here is O making sure his hair is perfect for the big day.
Wedding day! R made the veil for O. This is in their glorious backyard, right on the waterfront.
Heading to the church.
R and O asked my two eldest daughters to be the ringbearers!
C was instrumental in helping O and R come to Canada and has been like a second mother to them, so having her walk him down the aisle was an obvious choice.
Emotional moment during the wedding ceremony
Exchanging of the rings.
First kiss as a married couple!
Happily married!
The way they entered really showed off the lovely veil R made for O.
I love the way their friend is looking on as they are hugging.
Love when the speeches bring out the emotions.
Their friend Gabriella is a drag queen and they had their first dance to one of her songs!
Portrait of the grooms
Grooms on a bench at City Hall
Limo with friends