I was pleasantly surprised when I received an email from Rob that he was getting married this year and inquiring about our photo services. I hadn’t heard from Rob in a long time. I had the pleasure of meeting Tomoko shortly after that, where I got to hear about their trip to Japan; the one where Rob went over to ask her parents if he could have her hand in marriage.
It came up in the speeches that Tomoko worked very hard, put in many hours as a music therapist at the hospital, and volunteered at many places.
Their wedding took place at the Brant Rod and Gun Club , in Brantford, ON, where they recently bought a house together.
Tomoko and Rob’s vows were definitely among the funniest I have ever heard, which such gems as “I promise not to buy new toys but to enjoy the ones we have.” Their ceremony was performed by Bob Tees, a colleague of Tomoko’s. They incorporated a Japanese wine drinking tradition into their ceremony. Apparenlty, they took this tradition from various Japanese ceremonies (ie. Shinto, Buddhist) and made it their own. I believe they each drank from 3 different glasses of wine.
One thing is for sure though, Rob and Tomoko certainly make each other laugh!
Congratulations, Rob and Tomoko!